Holy Cardiology!

What do you own? The things that we accumulate are measures of our values. They measure our values with regard to both property and relationships. Many people are hording toilet paper right now because they were mis-influenced by fear or fear mongers or simply people who were entertaining themselves by watching the fearful clamor. Their closet contents mark them as […]

Answered Prayer

Jesus should expect every request He made of His Father would be answered with what He asked for, heh? Father,I desire those You have given Meto be with Me where I am.Then they will see My glory,which You have given Mebecause You loved Me before the world’s foundation.Righteous Father!The world has not known You.However, I have known You,and these have […]

You’re Pretty Funny

Until you have learned to laugh at yourself, you have a problem with honesty. If something is funny about someone else, it is funny about you, too. If something about you is funny to everyone but you, your pride is more powerful than your desire to enjoy life. One reason for these weaknesses with regard to our abilities to laugh […]

Shaming into Righteousness?

On days when it seems good to us to accuse someone of failure or to expose their weaknesses, it is more good when we have processed the information and the possible responses through the fruit of the Spirit of Jesus. Asking questions, like, “Is my assessment of the situation from the perspective of the throne of grace, where I find […]

Miracles Financial

When Israel left Egypt, they received miraculous provision for their journey of clothing, silver and gold. When Jesus was born, He received miraculous provision for His journey to Egypt of gold, myrrh, and frankincense. When Israeli tax collectors quizzed Peter about the fact his Master’s intentions regarding the temple tax which was due, he received miraculous provision for paying his […]

Stop Replacing the Devil

Lucifer once had duties at the throne of Yahweh. John saw in the Revelation of Jesus that he was shown (chapter 12) that there was, or will be, a great war in Heaven, and the devil and his messengers fought with Michael and his messengers, and Lucifer was thrown out of Heaven with his messengers. He was called “the accuser […]

Stop Cussing

Vulgarity literally means “commonness.” When religious people wanted to control people’s access to the Scriptures, they made rules against translating them into “vulgar” languages that people understood. When religious people get offended by certain words, they call some of those vulgar words “cuss words.” What slang word you may use for feces does not change the matter you are speaking […]

Its a Dangerous Life

How dangerous it would be if Jesus, though He is the only Way to the Father, chose to draw one to Himself through a child offering a child-filtered version of what it takes to be saved, and to draw another by learning that there are “Four Spiritual Laws,” as Campus Crusade would say, and another by a dream of a […]

On Being in Love

I know it is possible that some people reading this have never been “in love.” To set the parameters a bit about what I mean, there is a difference between saying “I love you,” and saying, “I am in love with you.” There is a sense of being lost in the power of influence of someone with whom you are […]

Ananias Blessed the Terrorist

Saul went to the Jewish national leadership in Jerusalem to get letters of authority to persecute followers of “the Way” in Damascus. When he arrived in Damascus, he still had the authority to imprison and kill believers. The Spirit of Jesus spoke to one of the people Saul came to town to persecute and instructed him to heal Saul of […]