Holy Cardiology!

What do you own? The things that we accumulate are measures of our values. They measure our values with regard to both property and relationships. Many people are hording toilet paper right now because they were mis-influenced by fear or fear mongers or simply people who were entertaining themselves by watching the fearful clamor. Their closet contents mark them as fearful, greedy, or stingy.

Some people have huge piles of art; hundreds of angels, or light houses, or blue birds, or clowns. These things speak to people who visit us regarding what we treasure. What we treasure speaks to people regarding our hearts, because where our treasure is, there our heart is.

Some day, it may be a good idea to have a heart checkup. Mentally or physically, drag out all of your belongings, and ask the Holy Heart Doctor to examine you and give you a report on your spiritual heart health. If He shows you some plaque build up in some spiritual artery, ask Him to give you a cleaning. If it is bad enough, ask Him for a transplant.