You’re Pretty Funny

Until you have learned to laugh at yourself, you have a problem with honesty. If something is funny about someone else, it is funny about you, too. If something about you is funny to everyone but you, your pride is more powerful than your desire to enjoy life.

One reason for these weaknesses with regard to our abilities to laugh at ourselves is that we have learned from our interactions with some abusive people that if we give an inch toward agreeing with them about our weaknesses or failures, they will take a mile in increased abuse and ridicule. When we were in 9th grade, some people were able to make everyone our enemies. That convinced us that we could not show weaknesses or failures, or we would never recover the loss of relationships or respect or even our senses of self-value.

Today, though, our value is declared by the fact that Jesus considers us worthy of His death.

Because that is true, that should be the base on which we perceive all other truths about our selves and our lives. He loves us. Others love us. The fact that we may feel on days like we have no friends or no family or no coworkers who value us or our purposes should be so overshadowed by His love that the false sense of being abandoned becomes unnoticeable.

Don’t fear insult or accusation or actual failure or mistakes. Don’t let something that is funny miss being laughed at. Let the joy He has be your strength. Let it be your joy (Galatians 5:22-23).