On Being in Love

I know it is possible that some people reading this have never been “in love.” To set the parameters a bit about what I mean, there is a difference between saying “I love you,” and saying, “I am in love with you.” There is a sense of being lost in the power of influence of someone with whom you are “in love.” It can drive or draw you to the end of the earth.

The power of agape – love from the fruit of the Spirit of God – is overpowering. The power of eros – desire – can be overpowering. Eros is a type of love that, at its greatest strength, wants to possess, because it is possessed by what it desires. Any addiction begins with eros. It could be the love of pleasure, or of thrill, or of numbness, or of escape, or danger or safety.

When the agape the Holy Spirit fills you with toward Jesus is joined by the eros in your heart and mind of longing for His presence and His influence and His knowledge and His protection and His agape, you have found the One Who has sought your heart since before the earth was founded. To be with Him, no alarm is set too early, no lengthening evening robs you of too much sleep, no meal is delayed too long, no question is delayed too long in being answered – unless any of those things prevent you from Him.

Suggestion: spend 10 minutes every day at the same time of day for the next 60 days sitting quietly considering the things that you love about your Lord. You will be different after that discipline. So will your love. Seriously – what time of day did you pick?