Changed Mind

Repentance (metanoia – Strong’s Greek word #3341) indicates a change of mind or a changed decision. We need to repent regarding our misunderstanding and misapprehension of Who Jesus is. We need to repent regarding our misunderstanding and misapprehension of who Jesus says we are. We need to repent regarding our misunderstanding and misapprehension of why Jesus says we are alive […]

Colonies of Heaven

Rome has been deemed by millions through millennia to be a city that is magical and royal and spiritual and holy. Supernatural. The gods thought of it as a door into the earth. In terms defined by the Kingdom of Heaven, most of what it represents and has represented is dark and deceptive and evil. It was raised up for […]

Stronger With You

The best relationships I have had were the ones in which the other person felt greater or stronger or more important or more valuable when they were with me. When they feel smaller or less important or weaker, I have harmed them. “As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love. If you keep […]

Eternal is Invisible

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.(2 Corinthians 4:18 BEREAN STUDY BIBLE ©®) How convinced are you that eternal things are more valuable?What evidence has convinced you? How does the idea influence your decisions:• Financial• Relationships with other believers• Family […]

New Revelation

The boys with Daniel didn’t get the revelation from the angel who appeared to Daniel.The soldiers with Saul didn’t get the revelation from Jesus, who appeared to Saul.John, the greatest prophet ever, announced the presence of the Kingdom, but didn’t get the revelation of what it would look like. The Spirit of God is not inviting you to grasp everything […]

Apache Pilots

I once had a friend who believed that, because he had a high score on his computer game in which he could fly an Apache helicopter, he was capable of flying an Apache helicopter. This is how we have come to know love: He laid down His life for us. We should also lay down our lives for our brothers. […]

Young and Old

I was talking with a few young people recently who were telling me that they had to keep reminding themselves that I am 20 years older than they keep feeling like I am. We talked then a bit about people acting old, and some of the pitiful reasons it happens. I don’t feel that I am denying my age. I […]

The Awe-Inspiring God

Lord, the heavens praise Your wonders—Your faithfulness also—in the assembly of the holy ones.For who in the skies can compare with the Lord?Who among the heavenly beings is like the Lord?God is greatly feared in the council of the holy ones,more awe-inspiring than all who surround Him. Lord God of Hosts,who is strong like You, Lord?Your faithfulness surrounds You.You rule […]

Great Employees

Imagine trying to get service from a business when the employees don’t really have any answers, don’t know the list of products or menu items they sell, don’t know where anything is in the store, are impatient with you while you try do describe a problem, or won’t pay any attention to you at all. That exercise probably didn’t take […]

Creeds, Laws & Heresies

Creeds have been written through the centuries to settle one side of arguments. Heresies are what they believe, creeds are what we believe. Modern versions try to be a bit more inclusive than just statements in opposition to heresies, and list all beliefs, and are sometimes called “statements of faith.” Catechisms are tests to uncover failure to memorize what “we” […]