New Revelation

The boys with Daniel didn’t get the revelation from the angel who appeared to Daniel.
The soldiers with Saul didn’t get the revelation from Jesus, who appeared to Saul.
John, the greatest prophet ever, announced the presence of the Kingdom, but didn’t get the revelation of what it would look like.

The Spirit of God is not inviting you to grasp everything He is speaking to various people or movements. He is not sharing with everyone what He speaks to someone. Some of the revelation we each need, though, we need to be ready for. The bush that burst into flame on a certain day when an angel of Yahweh needed to speak to Moses was not burning the day before or the day after the event.

You need to know whether to buy a certain car. You need to know whether to take one job or avoid another one. The Spirit wants to tell you. His method or means of speaking with me is likely to be different than the ones He uses to speak with you. The encouragement should be found in the fact that He wants to give you ears that can hear what He wants to say the way He wants to say it to you.

Be blessed with ears to hear and a heart to receive and a life that is filled with the hope that your Father intends to bless you and lead you and empower you. Be blessed with hope that is not disappointed and revelation that is not missed!