Young and Old

I was talking with a few young people recently who were telling me that they had to keep reminding themselves that I am 20 years older than they keep feeling like I am. We talked then a bit about people acting old, and some of the pitiful reasons it happens.

I don’t feel that I am denying my age. I am, however, extremely resistant to it having any influence over me. I can’t think of a good excuse for acting old.

It reminds me of some ideas G. K. Chesterton shared about his feelings that our Father is younger than us, and wants us to become young again as we begin our encounters with Him. He is not as easily bored and annoyed by time and repetition as we are now that we have these bodies that are sometimes called sin natures. He is happy with the idea that all daisies look alike and all snowflakes look different. It makes Him happy that each of us spins past a view of the sun each day. It makes Him happy that He can have new mercy for us on each spin, without ever having to change Himself.

Stir us with youth that is renewed, and strength that grows each day, Lord! Stir us with Your love for us and for each other through us and with Your love for life and annoyance with death. Thank You, Lord!