Learning the Ropes

On a clipper ship, the various ropes did various things, based on the various things the wind might be doing at the time. “Learning the ropes” was the process of learning how things worked so a sailor could know how to work. A caterpillar is not trained regarding its life and work as a butterfly. Some of the work of […]

Who are You, Lord?

Meanwhile Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and requested letters from him to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any who belonged to the Way, either men or women, he might bring them as prisoners to Jerusalem. As he traveled and was nearing Damascus, a light […]

Who Signed Your Certificate?

I have seen many certifications from underwriters, and diplomas from universities, and licenses to do things ranging from driving to preaching. Most were signed by important leaders in the organization that issued the documents. My license to drive is signed by the governor. I believe that it is rare that the person signing the document knows the person endorsed by […]

Seasonal Changes

The season is changing. When the revolution against our nation ends, we will be moving forward to something different. Either the Marxist revolt will replace our government and culture and we will be the new Cuba or Venezuela, or the counter-revolution will cast off the destroyers and the states will be united in a new way, with new vision and […]

Drawing Closer

Imagine a tree and a bicycle wheel. The new growth on the tree grows further from roots of the tree every year. Still connected, still gaining nutrition from the roots, the term “branching out” describes the new moving away from the old. It isn’t planned, measured, or intentional. The spokes on the wheel are closer to each other on the […]

The Power To Forgive

When someone lies to you or about you to others, when someone promises help and then refuses to offer it when the moment is critical and ruin is the result, when someone believes a wrong suspicion or a false testimony about you, the injury can be very painful. Some wounds never stop hurting. Several voices in the Book instruct us […]

Ever, Only, All For Thee

Holy is a word that describes relationship. When Tamar was pretending to be a temple prostitute so that Judah would give her a son (Genesis 38), the word describing her in the conversations between Judah and the locals where he met her could be translated “holy woman.” What the priests in Aaron’s order had written on their head bands was […]

Jesus is Faithful

Rejoice always!Pray constantly.Give thanks in everything,for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.Don’t stifle the Spirit.Don’t despise prophecies,but test all things.Hold on to what is good.Stay away from every form of evil. Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely. And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept sound and blameless for the coming of […]

Living For Jesus

Some people are committed to nothing. Some people are committed to things that promise certain failure. Some people are committed to gambles that might pay off and might cost their lives. It is no gamble to take a chance by committing all you think and say and do to Jesus, your King. If you are taking your life and daily […]