Eternity’s View

From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that it is necessary for Him to go away to Jerusalem, and to suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and to be killed, and to be raised on the third day. And Peter having taken Him aside, began to rebuke Him, saying, “Far be it […]

Having & Being Had

Most of the modern church happily exists in the same situation, condition & strength displayed by believers in Acts chapter 1, unaware of the differences they could experience in each of those categories if they were to live through the experiences in Acts chapter 2. We cannot believe and be saved from our sin if the Holy Spirit is not […]

Gnarly Trees Have Great Views

Trees that grow in pine fields fight for sunlight at their tops and wither from lack of it at their bottoms. Planted in rows, they are usually pretty all alike, because their opportunities are pretty similar. The ones that are at the edge of the field, though, get sun down their sides. Their limbs and needles stay alive a bit […]

Ruling Over Death

When Jesus took His disciples north of Israel to Caesarea Philippi, He took them to one of several places on the planet where there was a cave from which water flowed or a very deep lake that the Greeks called a Gate of Hades (Matthew 16:13-20). It is still there, and is still called a Gate of Hades. There is […]

Free to Change

Just as Jesus turned water into wine, He is capable of turning wine into work and groceries and a home. He sets captives free to find life and purpose and family. Pray for someone who needs freedom from some slavery. Expect miracles.

Just Like Jesus

It would probably be good to read this every morning: This is My command: love one another as I have loved you.(John 15:12 HCSB ©®) When we decide to love each other the way Jesus loves us, life will take a leap into new awesomeness for us all.

Dangerous Safety

Many test pilots have died because they were test pilots. Many people on commercial airline flights have been kept alive because test pilots tested the planes the people were carried by. Some things we think the Lord is leading us into or out of don’t work. Some things that look scary work perfectly and bring great benefits. How should we […]

Commands of Scripture

How should we decide what we read in Scripture that should be considered “commands of Scripture” to us? Most of the people I hear using that phrase seem to have been taught which commands apply to us and which ones don’t. Everything that is recorded of Jesus commanding someone to do something can’t be an instruction to us. He spoke […]

Giving Gifts / Making Deals

When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.” He was afraid and said, “What an awesome place this is! This is none other than the house of God. This is the gate of heaven.” Early in the morning Jacob took the stone that was near his head […]

Changed by the Resurrection

At that, Peter and the other disciple went out, heading for the tomb. The two were running together, but the other disciple outran Peter and got to the tomb first. Stooping down, he saw the linen cloths lying there, yet he did not go in. Then, following him, Simon Peter came also. He entered the tomb and saw the linen […]