Being Negative

Here are some things you can’t do: Fool Yahweh. Love someone too much. Forgive someone too many times. Waste anything by giving too much of it to Jesus. Grasp how much Jesus loves you. Memorize too much Scripture. Agree with a demon without losing something for having done it. Get sick in Heaven. Hide from Yahweh. Prosper by cheating. Fail […]

Gossip or Love

A gossip goes around revealing a secret, but the trustworthy keeps a confidence. A contrary man spreads conflict, and a gossip separates friends. The one who reveals secrets is a constant gossip; avoid someone with a big mouth. Without wood, fire goes out; without a gossip, conflict dies down. As charcoal for embers and wood for fire, so is a […]


Always, our communication with the Lord is a response. It is frequently a delayed response. He is the never-tiring Initiator, the Requestor, the Demander of attention and obedience and love. He works in us both to want righteousness and to walk in it. He stirs us to life and to light and to revelation, or we have no motivation toward […]

In The Beginning, God

As a bit of encouragement regarding believing “In the beginning, God created…”, in terms of the odds of the universe having done it all by herself: There are 20 amino acids In a protein chain (basic data-holding entity for producing life), the acids are found in different combinations, and in different orders, for different proteins If the “list” ordering the […]

Proximity of Blessing

Delayed hope makes the heart sick, but fulfilled desire is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13:12 Holman Christian Standard Bible ®©) The closer we are to the hour of meeting with a friend, or ending a troublesome project, the more our hearts are able to find joy or peace. The longer we must wait, the greater the pain or trouble. […]

Get Wisdom

For the waywardness of the inexperienced will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them. But whoever listens to me will live securely and be free from the fear of danger.” (Proverbs 1:32-33 Holman Christian Standard Bible ®©) Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without criticizing, and […]

Don’t Settle for Cheap Substitutes

People who have joined a branch of the military or applied to and been accepted by a famous and much-loved university frequently have found upon living out the relationship with the institution that much of the glory and magic they were expecting didn’t really exist. Roman mythology has misrepresented the body of Christ and the Kingdom with earthly glories and […]

Acute Christianity

Are you suffering from a mild case of Christianity, or are you burning up with a fever that drives you to prayer and to service and to worship at a level that embarrasses the religious people who have to be around you? Now the end of all things is near; therefore, be clear-headed and disciplined for prayer. Above all, keep […]

Equipped for the Harvest

Most gatherings of believers in the US are waiting around, hoping for something. It doesn’t seem to be the Harvest at the End of the Age (Matthew 13:36-43), though. More like the county fair after the harvest is over, or a harvest festival. Or Heaven. Imagine a different scene, with congregations of the ekklesia of Christ in which each believer […]

Sitting in Faith

You didn’t sneak into the Kingdom of Heaven. If you had, it would maybe be appropriate to be constantly on edge, wondering if you would be caught and pitched out as unworthy or unwelcome. In the parable about the wedding invitation, Jesus even described people who were compelled to come in being thrown back out because they didn’t have the […]