Always, our communication with the Lord is a response. It is frequently a delayed response. He is the never-tiring Initiator, the Requestor, the Demander of attention and obedience and love.

He works in us both to want righteousness and to walk in it. He stirs us to life and to light and to revelation, or we have no motivation toward them. Unlike the Beloved in the Song of Solomon, who had already gone to bed when her Lover knocked at the door, we should always be as sensitive to opportunity to respond to His advances as we are sensitive to our fears!

We never fail to respond with a quick second glance when, in the corner of our vision, we see a spider or a snake or an enemy! To gain a glimpse of His presence and calling, even in a whisper, should awaken us from our bored, slumbering existences more quickly than hearing a terror-filled cry of “FIRE!

Make it so, Lord!