Devilish Work

Stop working part-time for the devil, who is the accuser of the Family of Jesus: The one who reveals secrets is a constant gossip; avoid someone with a big mouth. (Proverbs 20:19) A gossip goes around revealing a secret, but the trustworthy keeps a confidence. (Proverbs 11:13)

Pain is Valuable

Pain is useful. It points to a problem. If you use something to numb the pain before you deal with the problem, you just create a new problem: you no longer have an indicator to point out the original problem. And, you still have the original problem. So – don’t just ask for relief from pain or painful situations. Ask […]

Yahweh Isn’t Sleepy

He doesn’t sleep or slumber (Psalm 151:3) Nothing surprises Yahweh. If you listen to Him, nothing will surprise you. He didn’t just send you guidance – He wants to be your Guide. His sheep know His voice: John 10:27 He sent His Spirit to lead you: John 14:25,26

Dinner With Jesus

Every meal is a good excuse to celebrate the bread and the cup of the Life and death of Jesus. If you are a believer you are qualified to serve it. If you are able to drink and eat you are qualified to receive it. He invited Judas to His table. I became a believer one day when Jesus invited […]

Your Faith Has Healed You

There is no teaching by Jesus on faith when He made that statement, usually. Just information that their faith had done the work. “Lord, increase our faith” was given instruction as a response, but our cultural instruction on faith is so different from Jesus’ instruction that we can’t see how what He said connects to faith. Please read Luke 17:5-10. […]

What is Real

The spirit world existed before the created world from which our bodies are made. In the beginning was God. Everything that has been created was made by Him and through Him and for Him. The physical world is simply superimposed on the spirit world. The study of physics is an attempt to discover the laws that govern the physical world. […]

Responding to Hunger

It is unlikely that you are going to wait until you understand digestion before you eat. Yahweh has designed your body to tell you to eat, so you do. Hunger is what we call the motivational speech that your body gives your mind. Hungering for Him should be motivating you to be desperate to satisfy the need your spirit has […]

Empty or Full of Storm

Whether your life is a never-ending storm, a prison of the presence of someone who’s selfishness enslaves you, or a vast land of emptiness and loneliness, the answer is the same: surrender it to Jesus as your King. Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord cares for me. Because of my adversaries, show me Your way, Lord, […]