Your Faith Has Healed You

There is no teaching by Jesus on faith when He made that statement, usually. Just information that their faith had done the work.

Lord, increase our faith” was given instruction as a response, but our cultural instruction on faith is so different from Jesus’ instruction that we can’t see how what He said connects to faith. Please read Luke 17:5-10.

A connective word between verses 6 & 7 is missing in less literal translations for some reason. When it is included in a translation, it is rendered either “but” or “and”. My guess is that they are interpreting rather than translating; unable to make the connection, because of the effects of Roman Mythology (Roman catholic theology), they see the verses as disconnected in point.

His answer to their request for increased faith was to draw three pictures: 1) speaking with authority to created things, 2) speaking with authority to your servants, 3) obeying authority without question when you are a servant. The Dougie version is to render it to a proverb: “If you prophesy (speak with authority) using the faith that you have, you will be obeyed, and your faith will increase.”