New Way of the Spirit

Laws can convict people, but they can’t change people. We don’t just need the punishment of being imprisoned. We need the discipline of being born of the Eternal Father and filled with His Spirit of Life. We need to be convinced that Life is to be preferred over death. Since I am speaking to those who understand law, brothers, are […]

Victory and Success

He saved them from the hand of the adversary;He redeemed them from the hand of the enemy.Water covered their foes;not one of them remained.Then they believed His promisesand sang His praise. They soon forgot His worksand would not wait for His counsel.(Psalm 106:10-13 HCSB ©®) Remembering His works can cause us to expect victory and success.Waiting for His counsel can […]

Like One Another

Eros is a Greek word that can mean “desire.” Agape is a Greek word that appears many times in the New Testament, and is always translated, “love.” I eros people because I like the way they bless me or take care of me or make me feel good about myself. Eros is a good synonym for “romance.” Romance usually lasts […]

Reading the Koran

Not many people have read the Bible or the Koran or the Book of Mormon. I have copies of all of them, but have only read portions of the Koran and the Book of Mormon. I don’t expect truth to come to me through either, so what I have read in each was simply to see what lies are actually […]

Knowing Jesus

He went to His hometown and began to teach them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, “How did this wisdom and these miracles come to Him? Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t His mother called Mary, and His brothers James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas? And His sisters, aren’t they all with us? So where does He […]

Proper Boasting

This is what the Lord says: The wise must not boast in his wisdom;the mighty must not boast in his might;the rich must not boast in his riches.But the one who boasts should boast in this,that he understands and knows Me—that I am the Lord, showing faithful love,justice, and righteousness on the earth,for I delight in these things.This is the […]

Give a Good Report

The Lord responded, “I have pardoned them as you requested. Yet as surely as I live and as the whole earth is filled with the Lord’s glory, none of the men who have seen My glory and the signs I performed in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have tested Me these 10 times and did not obey Me, will […]

Be Wise

“I was there when He established the heavens,when He laid out the horizon on the surface of the ocean,when He placed the skies above,when the fountains of the ocean gushed forth,when He set a limit for the seaso that the waters would not violate His command,when He laid out the foundations of the earth.I was a skilled craftsman beside Him.I […]

Being Awesomely Generous

Generosity in the Kingdom of Heaven is not looking at a budget. It is fixed on the horizon. It is not asking “How much seed does it take to produce a harvest?” It is asking, “How much seed do we have?” It is more concerned that we are investing in the next generation’s success than in our own. It is […]

Letting Your Talk Be Awesome

Most of what I write to you has a blessing prophesied in it somewhere: “Be strong; be courageous; be awesome.” What are you saying to yourself? If it sounds like, “I’m tired; none of my friends really care about me; I can’t stand ____ anymore; I’ll never get this paid off; the next thing to break will probably be ____;” […]