Reading the Koran

Not many people have read the Bible or the Koran or the Book of Mormon.

I have copies of all of them, but have only read portions of the Koran and the Book of Mormon. I don’t expect truth to come to me through either, so what I have read in each was simply to see what lies are actually in them, so that I can discount them properly if I have an opportunity.

I have read the Bible many times, and studied certain principles and concepts from cover to cover. If I hear a teacher or preacher declaring that “the Bible says” before saying something and I don’t remember ever having heard it before, I can usually tell whether what they are saying is true or not.

Someone could tell me the Koran or the Mormon testament says something, and I would not know whether it really said it without searching the books. Someone who has not read the Bible would have the same issue if listening to a lying teacher.

Everyone is not a teacher. Each of us, to some degree in some context, is a witness, though. Knowing the facts is an important responsibility for a witness. Even if you don’t feel led to debate with a misinformed person, you will know how to pray for them regarding their faith if you are a well-informed witness.

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