Passing Tests

When Rome initially wanted to sift Christians out of any group, it was not done by making them recite creeds or answer catechism quizzes. It was by commanding them to worship the emperor. That was a pretty genuine test. Unbelievers can memorize the answers. Suffering persecution for loving Jesus takes a real relationship with the King Who was raised from […]

Needing Comfort

Your flesh would like for the Spirit of Jesus to pity you and comfort you and baby you when you are afraid or tired or embarrassed or attacked. That is because your flesh is at odds with Jesus. Paul said “For those whose lives are according to the flesh think about the things of the flesh, but those whose lives […]

When Jesus Wants More

A friend shared a word with me recently that I feel led to share with you: “I like it when Jesus asks more of me than what I’m giving. That means He sees more in me than I thought was there, and it gives me hope.” That was his response to this, from John 21:

Lead Me, Lord

Make Your ways known to me, Lord;teach me Your paths.Guide me in Your truth and teach me,for You are the God of my salvation;I wait for You all day long.Remember, Lord, Your compassionand Your faithful love,for they have existed from antiquity.Do not remember the sins of my youthor my acts of rebellion;in keeping with Your faithful love, remember mebecause of […]

Praying for Boldness

After they were released, they went to their own fellowship and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them. When they heard this, they raised their voices to God unanimously and said, “Master, You are the One who made the heaven, the earth, and the sea, and everything in them. You said through the Holy […]

Defending my Faith

My father was born into a family that valued Freemasonry. He once complained that he would have been a Shriner but it was too expensive. Very late in his life I had the freedom to show him in some books by Freemasons and Shriners that their teachings were very contrary to Scripture and to the Lordship of Jesus and His […]

Abiding in the Vine While in the Desert

1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Purposes of going through the desert Gaining more effective knowledge in three areas: Who my God is Who He says I am What purposes He intends to realize through my lifePreparation for defeating the devils who are squatting on my property Dangers in the desert ComplainingTesting God’s patience (Israel became litter in the desert)Sexual immoralityIdolatryBeing more focused […]

Being Like Peter

It is easy sometimes to identify with Peter when he wanted to build places of worship for Elijah and for Moses. When he would never deny Jesus, and denied Him 3 times in quick succession, I can see myself being weak or fearful. When he gave up waiting for Jesus and just wanted to go fishing, dragging the rest of […]

Trusting Jesus

Forgive me in advance for being negative in this writing. If it makes it easier, simply hear this as my confession of failure on a bad day. If it helps challenge you to greatness, take it to heart as though Jesus is challenging you to His invitation to that greatness and the strength to live in it. Who do you […]

Faith for Failure

Having faith there will be a good future sometimes means being able to see the opportunities that are hidden in troubles. Having faith in the likelihood of loss and failure and disappointment sometimes means being distracted and robbed of courage by the troubles that are hiding opportunities. Early in the morning, as they were passing by, they saw the fig […]