Being Fruit Full

It is a very valuable blessing to see things that you say or do bear fruit in others’ lives. As you bear the fruit of the Spirit to anoint your work, people flourish at times because they were with Him in you. There are other times though, when, because you have been bearing fruit well, the Keeper of the King’s […]

Making Good Decisions

Learning to make good decisions happens in a process that includes learning to discern the direction and instruction of the Spirit of God (including what He speaks through other believers), learning to reject the noise your flesh never stops making, learning to reject the deception that unclean spirits never stop attempting (including what they speak through other believers ), and […]

Good Judgment

The references here are chapter and verse from the revelation of Jesus that John experienced: One day, Jesus will sit on a throne for judgment of humanity. The awe of His might and glory as He sits for the first time as a Judge will be so terror inspiring that heaven and earth will try to get away (20:11). Every […]

Knowing Religion

Religion is a product of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In order to practice religion properly, you have to know the rules. What is right and wrong – good and evil. The arguments religious people get into are always about information, including the rules. Religion is a foundational part of every culture. Every […]

Being Dead

I have heard many people wondering about where a deceased loved one might be. I don’t remember hearing anyone answer the questions with any Scripture but 2 Corinthians 5:8. There are many other very relevant words to be found, though. This article lists a few of those relevant words, with comments.

Hunting * Gathering * Serving

* What is gathering food for your household like: (a hunting expedition, a treasure hunt, a boring drudgery, taking a beating, etc.) * What are some of the types of food in your cupboard? (Fresh, perishable, long term storage, frozen, etc.) * What is your favorite means of preparing food? (Frying, baking, stewing, microwaving, raw, etc.) * How much of […]

Ordinary Miracles

Today a friend went through a test. As a result of a series of errors in their judgement, other people suffered loss. Before they went before a court to determine what they were guilty of and what their sentence should therefore be, we prayed. I felt led to ask our Wondrous Father for much grace and surprising favor. When I […]

Worship in Truth

John 4:19-24 The woman said to him, “Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. […]


Your motives become your motivation. Everything isn’t this simple, but most of our motivations are either related to our dreams or our fears. If you are afraid of failure, your dreams become a puff of smoke. If your dreams drive you to accomplish, to build, to assault what is wrong, your fears have been silenced. Don’t let your fear of […]


Every good thing we do is a response to something Jesus has done. We worship because He revealed how wondersful He is. We love because He first loved us. We work because we see Him working. We forgive because He forgave us. The greater and purer your revelation is of His identity and of His intentions toward you, the more […]