
Your motives become your motivation.

Everything isn’t this simple, but most of our motivations are either related to our dreams or our fears.

If you are afraid of failure, your dreams become a puff of smoke. If your dreams drive you to accomplish, to build, to assault what is wrong, your fears have been silenced.

Don’t let your fear of failure or of accusation or of offending the religious or fearful stop you from being and doing what you are ordained to. Don’t let others’ fears stop you from being awesome.

The religious and fearful will accuse you of evil when you pursue the dreams the Spirit of God has inSpired you with. Don’t listen.

When you are fearlessly pursuing those dreams, you will be a great danger to business as usual and to status quo and to religion. On bad days, you will even be a danger to truth!

That is not a good excuse to abandon the pursuit. You can fix things that go wrong through zeal easier than things that go wrong through fear or hatred of change. A ship has to be moving in order to turn.

If you have to be dangerous on the way to becoming successful, proceed. But never fail to ask the Spirit, “What’s next?” Always be surrendered to Him. He can correct a serious error for a humble person easier than He can a small error for a proud or fearful or lazy person.