Like One Another
Eros is a Greek word that can mean “desire.” Agape is a Greek word that appears many times in the New Testament, and is always translated, “love.”
I eros people because I like the way they bless me or take care of me or make me feel good about myself. Eros is a good synonym for “romance.” Romance usually lasts about 2 years in its own strength. Then it fades. If a stronger love, like agape, doesn’t replace or enhance or strengthen it, it ends. Eros is willing to tolerate some costs to gain some benefits.
Agape doesn’t care about the cost of blessing someone. It doesn’t care about receiving any benefit from blessing someone. It is the Love that the Father had that caused Him to send Jesus. It is the Love that Jesus had that caused Him to send us. It is the Love that is the fruit of the Spirit.
It is the strength to stand and give and bless and expect to be ignored or hated in response, but to still bless the Lord with service and obedience. It is the hope of hearing “well done,” so that Jesus is smiling when He says it.
Love. Be loved. Be awesome.