Valuable Problems

In any relationship, when a problem develops, it can cause the relationship to end. It can seem the relationship is over even on days when it actually isn’t.

If you’re in some disagreement or confusion in a relationship, sit on the same side of the table to discuss it or figure it out or fix it. Use “we” in sentences and avoid “you” or “I.”

Every time a problem has impacted a relationship in my life, if we worked through it, we were closer than before. The two things that caused us to be closer were the problem happened, and we worked through it. If there had been no problem, we would have stayed at the level of relationship we were in before it happened. If, additionally, we had not worked through it, we would have stayed at the level of relationship we were in before it happened.

“Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
(Luke 22:31-32 HSCB ®©)