Out of Ur
One day, Yahweh spoke to a man named Abram. Abram lived in Ur, which was the largest city in the plain of Shinar, which is the area in which Babel was built by Nimrod’s followers. Abram was a descendant of Noah’s son Shem.
Abram is not mentioned as having accomplished anything great at the time Yahweh called him from Ur. He had either already gained much wealth, or because of his obedience to the call, gained much wealth along the way to the land the Spirit of God was drawing him to.
Hidden in Abram, a prophetic future was waiting for humans for generations to walk out and bring to fruition. No generation knew what they would add to the story, what they would set the next generation in place to accomplish, or even what the story they were involved in amounted to. The villains, the heroines, the heroes, the times – all is still a mystery at some levels, thousands of years into the story.
I believe your call into this season of the story sounds like “You didn’t choose Me, but I chose you, and I have set you in place with purpose – so that you will bear much fruit, and that some of your fruit will remain in the earth having effects even after you are gone. This is so that whatever you ask our Father in My name, He give it to you.” (John 15:16)
Be blessed to receive sure knowledge of your purpose, and of what fruit in that purpose looks like. Bear much of that fruit, and prepare those in the next generations to do the same in their lives by influencing them to listen to Him and obey Him. Ask Him what to ask Him, and then ask Him that with great faith, in the name Jesus. Be awesome.