Love and Worship

Anger, fear, insult – these and other powers can poke a pin in our self-control and expose things that surprise us as they burst forth. Just as Peter cursed as he denied knowing Jesus, we have all uttered curses and accusations and bitter insults when we found ourselves under pressure from attackers or accusers. Our responses can be worship of […]

Sanctified Mind

Let your mind be changed, because the Kingdom of Heaven is close by you. John Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Paul Let this mind be in you, which was in Christ Jesus. Paul Together, we have the mind of Christ. Paul Get focused on the King and His place of […]

Break or Melt

If your heart is not broken on days regarding how much Jesus loves the lost, you may not be not properly under His influence. If your heart is not melted on days regarding how much Jesus loves you, you may not be properly under His influence. See what love the Father has lavished on us in letting us be called […]

Home Style

The Holy Spirit was not poured out on the people of Jesus at the temple, nor in a synagogue. He met them in a home (Acts 2:1-4). When He was poured out again on a gathering of the people of Jesus, including a refreshing for some of the 120 just mentioned, He met them in a home (Acts 4:18-31). When […]

Seek Him Always

Jesus seems to love meeting us in places where we are in trouble. On days, we don’t seem to think of Him too deeply unless we are in trouble. I suggest that this may explain some of the frequency of our finding ourselves in trouble. I also suggest that it is much more awesome to acknowledge Him in every moment […]

Successful Courage

Without regard for what your flesh would like to torment you into believing, you are not alone. Although there are reasons to be sad on days, there is no excuse for staying sad. What happens to you is never as important as your response. People who bump through life in defeat and despair are not likely responding to their past […]


Isaiah wrote that our God’s government would never stop increasing (Isaiah 9:6-7). Jesus appeared in the Earth to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to it and to pay the blood price to take a harvest from it back to Heaven. If His government never stops increasing, and if His government is what His miracles were about, it seems that we […]

Greater Callings

The King of Glory calls some of His people to greater sacrifice. To some, He calls into greater revelation. Some find greater provision. The idea that any of these differences in callings have a line drawn between them that could be called “clergy” on one side and “laity” on the other is quite different from any of the writings we […]

Pain and Offense

People we don’t really love offend us. People we really love hurt us. Both of these responses must come to be surrendered to the power of the cross. Jesus was paying for our offenses and our harm of Him when He took the position of Priest and Sacrifice on the cross. When we take up our crosses, we become worthy […]

Control of Self

The fruit of the Spirit Paul called “self-control” is not “will power.” The fruit of the Spirit called “peace” doesn’t make me able to find some source of peace. It is the power to be at peace. “Self-control” is the power to surrender your will and your desires and fears and angers and bitternesses to His control. Then, by His […]