Power Filled Words
In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Everything that exists was created through Him, and nothing that got created was made without Him.
The Word became flesh, and lived with us.
(John 1:1,3,&14a)
First, the Word was just a word. Father used the Word to create everything that got created. Then, the Word became flesh, and was with us as a man. As a man, the words He became were “Yes,” and “Amen.” When He became those words, He was given all authority in heaven and in earth.
You were born of His Father, too. When you speak, your words have power. Speak Life and Hope and speak about the Authority of King Jesus with the authority that has been extended to you as a son or daughter of Yahweh.
James wrote that Elijah was a man like us, but when he prayed that it would not rain, it did not rain. What the Scriptures record of that prayer is that it went, “As surely as Yahweh Elohim lives, before Whom I stand, it shall neither dew nor rain except at my word…” (1 Kings 17:1) When you sense that something should happen, speak it. Say something to the thing that needs to change, announce that something is going to change, at least say something like, “I want _.”
Be filled with the knowledge of the ways of the Lord and with faith to speak it. Don’t be afraid or shy. Be bold and courageous. Be awesome!