The Right Way

It is a good thing to desire good doctrine. Truth is both valuable and powerful in many ways. Jesus is the Truth. He is also the Way and the Life. When you learn truth, it is easy to settle into a mode of amassing knowledge. Even if the knowledge is about Jesus, if it is only information, it might be […]

Kingdom Ins and Outs

If you rebel against the the King of Heaven by refusing the assignment the King has given you in life, you are rebelling against your own value, your own identity, your own purpose. If you rebel against your true identity and purpose in life, you are rebelling against the King of Heaven. (Romans 6:17-23) It doesn’t matter whether you are […]

Rowing Nowhere

I have become convinced that when Jesus looks at His body, He sees its shape and systems and alignments very differently than our congregation-based, your-name-is-on-our-roll-or-you’re-not-a-member-of-the-church view. I am impressed by the prophetic view Paul revealed in a word to the believers in Ephesus (chapter 4) of a mature ekklesia who is no longer suffering from a lack of unity regarding […]

Dealing With Adversaries

How do we decide how to deal with adversaries? In the facebook culture, the two options seem to be public accusation of evil identity and deeds, and unfriending them. What about the culture which should be ours? The culture of the church is frequently not discernible from facebook or the dog fights Jerry Springer enjoyed displaying on TV. The culture […]

Who’s First

When we gather with others, how do we decide whose voice is heard first? It usually doesn’t matter whether we have good news or bad, we want to be the first to share when we meet with someone. One of our guiding principles, though, is that the person who loses her/his life for the sake of the Kingdom, finds his/her […]

A Familiar Thief

Self-pity is a thief. It steals emotional energy. It steals purposeful work. It steals opportunities to manifest the Lord of the Cross in the earth. It steals revelation by distracting us from both asking for and being able to hear answers from the Lord of Wisdom. It cannot be converted to better behavior. Like the rationale from the wild west […]

Worthy of Praise

Learn to worship when you are doing whatever you do that looks like what David was doing when he was out in the fields watching sheep do whatever they were doing. Talk to Jesus about how awesome He is, and what you like about Him. Tell Him some ways you want to be just like Him. Praise Him to the […]

Answering Sanballat

When the servant of a pagan king was called to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, he faced much accusation and attack from jealous enemies of Yahweh. The stereotypical adversaries Sanballat and Tobiah constantly worked to discourage Nehemiah and the Israeli builders who helped him in the wall project. Their false accusations, physical attacks, and traps were wasted on Nehemiah. He […]

Losing the Anointing

One concept Yahweh taught Israel when He made them His nation was that unclean things touching clean things make the clean become unclean. When Jesus touched something unclean, He made it clean. He cleansed leprous people. He cleansed whores and traitors and religious and sick people of their sins and their demons. There is a teaching among Pentecostals and Charismatics […]