Applying the Blood

When the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had been in Egypt for 400 years, Yahweh sent a deliverer. The process of deliverance included slaughtering a lamb and smearing its blood over the doorpost of each home where someone lived who could believe the instructions Yahweh gave them through Moses.

Just the shedding of the blood was not enough. It had to be applied to the home. The blood of Jesus is sufficiently powerful to pay for every sin. It must be applied to the life of a person to be effective protection from judgment for sin, though. When it is applied, it can bring freedom from shame, fear, condemnation, and bondage to continue in sin.

Lord, Your blood is the mark of blessing and a sanctifying cleanser for me, but it is also the standard You have raised against my enemies as they move around my life, just as Passover lambs’ blood was a shield against the spirit of death You sent into Egypt to judge Israel’s enemies.

Thank You. Show me how to access every benefit You have in Your mind for me through Your blood.