Identifying You

The information that I can properly use to refer to my identity is located outside my self.

The two points of reference I can use are my relationships and my work. If you ask me who I am, and my answer is “Douglas Thomas,” I have not answered your question. I have only given you the label by which I am called. If you ask me who I am and I give you the real answer, I will have told you something about whom I have relationships with, or what I have done or am doing. “Douglas, son of Marion” identifies me by my relationship to my father. “Douglas, of Orangeburg” identifies me by my relationship to a community of people. “Douglas, son of the Most High God” does this, too.

Where I work as an identifier connects me both to work and to the relationship I have with my employer in that work. So – I think that our primary identifiers should clearly relate us to our King and to His opinion of our purposes.

Who are you?