Choose a Future

There is a future that is worth great sacrifice to obtain it. There is a way of living that sacrifices having a great future. We make choices regarding which sacrifices we will suffer with almost every breath. Choose the future that matches what Jesus already sacrificed. He did that to make an awesome future possible for you.

Preaching the Kingdom

What exactly should we even believe about the Kingdom of God, and to whom should we preach what? Many of the parables recorded in Matthew through Luke are introduced with a phrase identifying them as teachings about the Kingdom. Unbelievers who are taught only that Jesus is a Savior who paid for their sins will fit nicely into a system […]

Human Authority Hosting Heavenly Kingdom

In Genesis chapter 1, the Creator is quoted as authorizing humans to have dominion over or to rule over everything that moves on the earth. There is no indication in Scripture that if something that He created to be somewhere else, like Heaven, came into the earth and moved on it, it would be exempt from man’s authority over it […]

James the Apostle

There was James, the son of Alpheaus, who was an apostle. There was also James, the son of Zebedee and the brother of John, who was an apostle. There was also James the son of Joseph and Mary, who wrote the Scripture “James,” who was an apostle, and who was the leader of the church in Jerusalem when the decision […]

Yahweh Likes Unity

When our Father does something in the earth, it is with the agreement of at least a prophet through whom He reveals it (Amos 3:3,7; Genesis 7, Genesis 18:16-25). Yahweh submitted to human agreement and influence when He intended to destroy Sodom in Genesis 18:32 & 19:18-22. He honored Abraham’s desire that the city not be destroyed except according to […]

King Encounters Prince

Acts 16:16 is the beginning of a set of power encounters between Yahweh and a principality called “python” (Strong’s NT4436)  that was given power by humans over the area of Delphi. Paul & company launched a congregation in the home of newly converted Lydia. Paul cast a demon from python out of a girl who was being used as a slave to […]

Where’s That?

On the third page of my site is a short book named “Using the Bible.” One chapter is titled “The Value of Context.” Through the years of being me, I have frequently been asked, “Where’s that in the Bible?” That’s a valid question if you really are interested in discovering something new. The people Paul encountered from Berea didn’t believe […]


There are times when, tired of fighting, or fearing, or suffering pain or insult or accusation, we just would like to see the end of the story. When fighting a cancer, or an antagonist, or any other enemy, we seem sometimes to simply be losing the battle. Especially on the days when our advisers seem to be the grandchildren of […]

Values – Foundations

Your Life grows up from or is choked out by the Values that are at the Foundation level of what you allow in your space. The three Values that make up the Foundation of your life are IMPOSED, COSTLY, and FRUITFUL. The FRUITFUL Values are those actions that are what you are ordained to be involved in by the Spirit […]

Failure to Act

Romans 7:15-25 15 For I do not understand what I am doing, because I do not practice what I want to do, but I do what I hate. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree with the law that it is good. 17 So now I am no longer the one doing it, […]