Sinned Against

Somebody sinned against me. Since Jesus said that all sin had forgiveness available but blaspheming the Holy Ghost, perhaps, since John says there is “a” sin unto death (1 John 5:14-17), this is the sin he is referring to. He doesn’t say, so I will not presume to know surely. At any rate, that still leaves a grand pile of […]

Judged in Advance

We have access in our minds to the Wisdom that designed the universe. Instead of accessing it, we frequently make decisions using prejudice. Pre – judgment. Last time we experienced that subject or person, we decided to respond to it or them a certain way, so that’s probably the way to deal with this situation too. We fail to or […]

Critical Advice

As we move forward in the development of our true identities and purposes, the more public we allow our work and intentions to become, the more criticism we are the subjects of. We need to learn to listen to the “advice” under the influence of the Holy Spirit. We are never as bad as our critics say nor ever as […]

Successfully Led

We should be very encouraged regarding our callings. Jesus wants the success that He died to make possible in our lives to happen! When Jesus went to his hometown once (Mark 6:5), the doubt of the people there created a space where He couldn’t do miracles. He marveled at their unbelief. When Jesus went to Capernaum once (Matthew 8:5), a […]

Valuable Mistakes

Ray Dalio is one of the most successful business men on the planet, if you count how much money you make as an indicator. His company has created $45 billion income since 1975. He currently has $14 billion personal net worth. He says that PAIN + REFLECTION = PROGRESS. It means something like: if you just study your successes (which […]

A Profitable Servant

Lord, You are the meaning of my life. I am the meaning of Your death. I know You have called me From the grave of who I was And chosen me to bear Your name and story to the nations! Jesus, use me while I have a breath To shout and blow the trumpet! Jesus, use me to display Your […]


One of my heroes pointed out to me recently a sports team proverb: “What you are at practice is what you will be during a game.” If you are not working hard to be ready for opportunity, opportunity will be missed to the point of maybe not even being recognized. If you are questioning your effectiveness in ministry, or your […]


When someone asks you to help them, how do you measure the answer? Will you only serve me if I agree with you about a thousand things? Or, only if I agree with you about the important things? Will you serve my cause only if I have spent a certain amount of time serving your cause? Jesus serves people with […]

Kingdom Business

I saw a news item today that was new back in August. It will take a little time if you read it, but you may find it worth it. There is video also. It is the story of a young business man in Seattle whose generosity-based work ethic seems to be sourced in his relationship with his King. Part of […]

Anticipate Success

Yahweh did not pick you because your credentials implied that you were the best choice for the position He had open. He rewards obedience, so being cooperative may improve your status in Heaven, but He has picked people who were directly opposed to what He was doing in the earth. Cyrus, king of Persia, was picked by Yahweh because He […]