Blessed be THE Name

Acts 3:16   The name of Jesus healed a man Acts 8:9-13  Philip preached concerning the Kingdom and the name of Jesus Acts 16:16-18 Paul cast out a demon in the name of Jesus Acts 26:6-11  Paul was working against the name of Jesus 1 Kings 5:1-5; 8:14-21   Solomon built a house for the name of the Lord Psalm 7:17    The […]

Asking Questions

Just asking the right questions is not always enough. Sometimes, they need to be asked the right way. “How can this be?” Zechariah asked that question when a messenger from Yahweh informed him that he would have a son supernaturally after a very long time of marriage. His wife Elizabeth had never been able to become pregnant, and they were […]

Pour Your Oil

Elisha multiplied oil – 2 Kings 4:1-7Jesus multiplied fish – Mark 6:30-44 You don’t have to be called to leadership in ministry to be called to serious ministry –John 15:16 / 1 Corinthians 12:18 It did not take but a little bit of faith for Peter to walk on the water — Matthew 14:22-33You don’t have to have much in […]

Dark Friday (Black Friday)

Friday is dark enough just having been named after a demon. English pagan goddess “Frige” is the source of “Fri-day” and the matching Roman demon is Venus, hence “viernes” is the Spanish name for the same day. Having all the fake deals hype on black friday to launch the sales frenzy as people started to check names off their gift […]

New Normal

Rational thinking is what we are told we should base all of our decisions on. Everything should line up with evidence and rational predictability. An example could be that the sun is likely to shine tomorrow, but only until evening, then it will get dark. If you see something that fits into miraculous better than it fits rational, I suggest […]

Easy Work

If I put $50k in a checking account in your name and gave you the checkbook, you could give anyone money until it ran out. It would not be hard to do – just decide to give someone some money, write the check, and hand it to them. Or mail it. It is just as easy to forgive someone. No […]

Odds & Oddities

People argue about how many adults were in the crowd Moses led out of Egypt. I hear ranges from 1 to 6 million. Trim all the fat out of the picture you like, and pretend we know there were 1,102,303. Based on that pretense, let’s create some minimal odds. Joshua and Caleb we don’t have to guess at. 2 people […]

Set Like a Diamond

In John 15:16, Jesus told His disciples that He had “ordained” them to go out and bear much fruit. In 1 Corinthians 12:18, when Paul is writing about the ministries each believer brings forth by the working of the one, unifying Holy Spirit, he used the same word Jesus used in John 15:16 when he wrote that “God sets the […]


Maybe it was the greeting cards industry in America that watered down what “encouragement” means. Now, it means something between “comforted” and “cheered up.” What it really means is the impartation of courage. If you are trying to bless someone who actually needs a well-fluffed pillow and a nice nap, by all means offer to help them into that. If […]


Heat is measurable. There are even multiple gauges to measure it with. It is energy. Cold is only measurable in terms of the absence of heat. Light is measurable. Darkness isn’t, really. Once you get down to the point of NO light, darkness doesn’t get darker. Light is measurable above and below the ranges at which our eyes can’t perceive […]