Being Hungry

Yahweh wants us to hunger and thirst – for righteousness, for His presence, for the fulfillment of our destinies. At any time that He sees us struggling with that process, stuck in satisfaction instead of hunger, the desert is always the perfect place to help us get hungry and thirsty. Take advantage of the invitation when you receive it.

Your Tank Size

Many fish have the interesting characteristic of their size being controlled by the size of their environment. A fish that stops growing at a length of 4 inches in a 20 gallon tank might continue to grow until it is 8 inches long in a 100 gallon tank. In a small pond, it may reach a foot in length. As […]

What You Said

Your words are full of power. Even when you are not full of faith. Your words are working hard even when you are not paying much attention to what you are saying. Maybe the less work you do praying and thinking before you speak, the more work your words can do. It takes much less effort to tear down than […]

Being Led

Fear cannot lead to revelation of truth. (I am not referring to “fear of the Lord”) Fear almost always leads to deception. The fruit of the Spirit is in the path to revelation of truth. Also, the fruit of the Spirit is in the path to the proper application of truth.


Most conversations seem to be two people waiting for each other to shut up so they can talk. Listening is more expensive than fine china, apparently. It requires patience, peace, and on days even agape! I know a couple who each want to be in control so badly, who distrust each other’s judgement so much, that they finish most of […]

Your Recent Post

Every time you respond to a situation that has ethical implications, if your response is in public, it can have the effect of having been posted on your facebook page: It has entered the news feed of the observers. They judge the event, may make comments, share it if they like it, share it if they don’t like it, and […]

Agree With Yahweh

Some things can’t be fixed. Even in those situations, Yahweh has a plan that includes a list of “next steps.” Agreeing with Him regarding the validity of those steps is your best option for doing well in your life. Joshua and Caleb were clever enough to agree with Him when He announced His impossible plan to invade Palestine with a […]


From Yahweh’s perspective, our enemies are not here to destroy us. They are here to show us what we don’t want to be. They are here to strengthen us in our resolve to serve the King. If we trust Him to lead us even in the most dangerous place of the liberty of His cloud and His pillar of fire, […]

Teach Your Children

One of the “Seven Mountains of Influence” on human cultures around the planet is the Family. People are beginning to grasp that most believers are called to ministry outside the jobs that fit inside congregations. Many congregations are beginning to equip people for their ministries in business, education, government, arts & entertainment, and media & communication. The other two “mountains” […]

Expecting Contributions

Most of what we look for from our members of congregations or ministry teams in terms of contribution either falls into the category of money or time. Otherwise, we are usually looking only for compliance. We inform people, especially younger ones, of the rules and protocol and expect them to comply. We engineer structures and teams to maintain “normal” for […]