Sound Investments

Every encounter you have had with any demon has had in it, probably hidden in it, an opportunity to learn more about how to conquer demons. The clue may have been how to recognize any similarities your attitude or values have with the unclean spirit. It may have been the exposure of some appetite your soul has for the bait […]

A Proper Introduction

How would satan introduce you to people who didn’t know you yet? It wouldn’t matter, really. He is a liar. Even if he said something nice, it would probably be a lie. It would be bait in a trap. What would Jesus say to introduce you to people who didn’t know you? You could be sure it was true. Would […]

Your Ministry

The number of believers in the United States who believe they might have a spiritual gift is 3 out of 4 or so. The number who know what their gift is might be as low as 1 in 10. The number who are convinced they are doing the work they have been appointed to by Jesus is lower than that. […]

What’s Bad About Our Good News?

“Gospel” is an ancient and foreign British word that attempts to be the translation of an ancient and foreign Greek word. It has devolved to mean “truth” in secular America and “how to get saved” in religious America. The word it is failing to actually translate from Greek to the language we speak (euaggelion) just meant “good message.” Eu and […]

Gifted Leaders

Prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists normally disagree with each other about how to invest the resources of time, information, money and practical human labor. The groups of people each gifting sees as the target beneficiaries of their leadership differs based on how each views human needs and human resources. Teachers generally consider themselves to be stewards of information. Pastors generally […]

Truth and Lies

Lying has descriptive categories, based on comparative distance from truth, or effectiveness of influence. There are “white” lies, though I don’t remember “black” lies ever existing. There are “bold faced” lies, though I don’t remember any “shy faced” lies being spoken about. Legal descriptive terms might include commission, omission, and influence. I think truth is either true or not true. […]

A to Z by Steps

A taxonomy is a system of building on previous information or experiences so that skill and understanding can increase and become more effective. Every generation begins work that another generation finishes or advances on. Never get stuck on A or B or C. Never expect to get to Z on earth. Always keep growing and increasing in your knowledge and […]

Needing Problems

All the greatest inventions seem to have been answers to problems. No problems = no growth. Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing. Now if any of you lacks […]