Good News
Gospel is a weird Old English word that is made from the two words “God” and “spell” smeared together. Some would argue that it was “good” and “spell” instead.
The word that it is translating from Greek is related to the word “angel,” which means “messenger,” or “message.” A good message was an “euangellion,” or “evangellion,” (Strong’s NT2098). It is related to a good messenger being what we now call an “evangelist.”
Most of what we hear in messages or news is bad. We need to have more access to good news. Bad news sells better, so it is what we find more easily.
Test your access to bad news. Quickly, and from the cuff, which methods of death are more numerous in the US: suicide, or homicide? How about deaths from drowning compared to death in fires? Unless you study statistics and therefore have access to truth instead of US news, you probably guessed homicide and fire. Those are more likely to be what hits the news more often, but the greater numbers are suicides and drownings.
Good news is hard to find if your tuner is on CNN or FOX. The Holy Book is full of Great News. Spend as much time harvesting that as possible! A valuable contemporary source is Joel News. This is a link to one of their Good News Letters.