The Guarded Path
Hey, awesome! Accept the words that Yahweh speaks. Make notes about things He has given you as instruction and command, and memorize them. His wisdom wants to speak to you through your heart, directing you to be able to understand life. If you invite His Spirit to give you insight, and cry out to Him to become understanding in your mind, if you seek understanding like it is more valuable than any treasure that has ever been buried, your fear of Yahweh will become understandable, and His knowledge will be revealed to you.
Yahweh is the Source you need to seek for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Keep your ear close to His mouth. He has hidden things for you that will become your success at what He has ordained you to be and do in the earth. Your love of truth and of good character will cause you to be hidden behind Him as He becomes a shield against your enemies and against failure.
He intends to guard a path and lead you to follow it, to carry you into justice and freedom and safety. As you pursue the path He leads you on, you will come to understand righteousness, justice and integrity. You will know all the right ways, as understanding a map, as you follow His direction without trusting in or committing to any other way. Wisdom will pour into you, and knowledge He gives you will cause your heart to rejoice as you see and walk in truth and light and life.
From Proverbs 2:1-10