
I just read a story about one man’s attempt at building relationships that was a sad indictment of how shallow much of our experiences with community are.

He was planning a party. He thought it would be a great opportunity to get to know his Facebook “friends” better and evenĀ give them a chance to connect with each other. He invited all 700 of them to the party. He got 75 responses! 15 said they would come, and 60 said they might come. 1 came.

Some smart alec has said that Facebook is proof that it’s still OK to have imaginary friends.

The body of Jesus is made of relationships – connections of similar gifts, different gifts, and opportunities to manifest the Lord. Those real, powerful, effective relationships occasionally happen within congregational boundaries, but most congregations are made up of Facebook style relationships, leaving the Life to need to happen somewhere else.

Are you investing heavily in relationships that connect you to the Head of the body? Are you drawing and giving Life through the time you spend with a few genuine friends in the name and Spirit of Jesus?

It doesn’t take many real relationships to be wondersful.