Repent and Die
When Peter stood before the huge crowd of people who heard the Spirit fall on believers on Pentecost morning AD 1, he quoted a prophet and then told them who Yeshua was. Some of them responded, “Brothers, what must we do?” (Acts 2)
Peter’s answer was not “Come down front,” nor “Join the seekers’ class,” nor “Be ready to be baptized by easter,” nor “Meet with the elders to see if they will let you join the church,” nor “Join the church, memorize Scripture, do good works and start discipling someone.” It was “Repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus, and receive the Holy Spirit.” Paraphrased, that could be, “Get your mind changed, be baptized into Christ, and be baptized into the Holy Spirit.”
• Stop thinking the way you thought before you began to follow Jesus.
• Consider your former life as over, and walk out of the grave of it as a new person, identified with Jesus as your new Life.
• Be so filled with and under the influence of the Holy Spirit that every thought, every deed, every value, every skill and possession are all under His control.
Die to sin and wake up in the Kingdom. Let your only motivation in life be loving your King. Be awesome!