Entering the Kingdom

There are many hindrances to entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Hindrances can hinder, but don’t have to prevent.

At this moment in time, the Kingdom of Heaven is the reign of Jesus on the earth. When Jesus is obeyed, His Kingdom has become manifest: visible. Where He is obeyed, His Kingdom has taken territory.

Good works can even make submitting to the King difficult. If I do good works for attention and recognition, it is possible that I am not being instructed to do those particular works. His instructions are typically specific. Asking Him whether to do something or not to do it before I do it will help me learn to hear His voice. Learning to hear His voice will help me learn to obey. Obedience is the real-ization of the Kingdom. When I obey Him with my heart, I have entered His Kingdom.

“If you want to be perfect,” Jesus said to him, “go, sell your belongings and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me.”

When the young man heard that command, he went away grieving, because he had many possessions.

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “I assure you: It will be hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven! Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”

When the disciples heard this, they were utterly astonished and asked, “Then who can be saved?”

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
(Matthew 19:21-26 HCSB ©®)

Jesus has not told every believer to sell all their belongings. He has given every believer instructions, though. Frequently, those specific instructions have specific effects intended for each believer. Obeying some will destroy the strength of idols or distractions. Obeying others will strengthen the influence of the Holy Spirit.