New What’s Next Things

I expect that until there is a new earth and a new heaven and a new Jerusalem passing between them, there will continue to be “what’s next” things. What was next to wrestle control of the people of Jesus from the soiled hands of the popes was a movement Luther helped mid-wife.

A bit later, the holiness movement was birthed from Anglican-ism. Pentecostals followed, and were followed by Charismatics. They were followed by Third Wave Renewal teaching, and then prophetic ministries and then apostolic ministries.

Quite reliably, each of the above-named movements persecuted the movement that was birthed after or from them. Some highly-skilled elders were actually able to persecute more than one generation of their children. Their younger, poorly prepared replacements always do things differently (= “wrong”) and won’t take advice from their elders, who have no revelation about what the youngers should be doing. Overtly and covertly, curses pass in both directions.

The primary issue simply seems to be that Jesus doesn’t trust old wine skins to properly care for and develop new wine. Old wine has matured to proper fruition by being in new wine skins that eventually became old like the wine they were filled with. New wine comes along, needing new wine skins, and when they respond to the call of the vineyard Owner, He fills them with it. Eventually, they become old along with their wine.

Bless the younger saints who look and talk and act and preach and do ministry wrong. Oddly enough, they aren’t wrong. They are new. You don’t have to join them unless you can stand the pressure, but you would be wise to bless them and invest in their success. When you bless your Master and the rest of His servants, you get blessed.