Jesus is Not Embarrassed by Me

Being identified with some people is embarrassing. Wearing certain clothes, having a ratty vehicle, or having a certain job can be causes for feeling ashamed. People who are loud or foolish or gaudy giving the appearance of being with us can make us want to move away.

When I was a young Marxist, I was an embarrassment to many people who knew me. After becoming a follower of Jesus, I started working with a man who had known me since my childhood. He enjoyed telling our coworkers that there was a time in which, if he saw me in public, he would cross the street to avoid having me speak to him and have anyone find out he knew me.

Imagine being Jesus in the context of being misidentified by association. He Who knew no sin became sin so that He could associate with us completely. John the Baptist and the Pharisees alike questioned His association with prostitutes and tax collectors. He was called a drunkard and glutton because of His associates.

On our best days before being born of Yahweh, and our worst days since, we would be very terrible embarrassments but for His love. Instead of being embarrassed by us, He is using us to embarrass His enemies.

Be courageous. Be loved. Be awesome.