Judged Wrongly and Righteously

Vincent Van Gogh was considered an unskilled fool by his peers when he taught himself to paint. Not long before his death, he was schooled for 4 months by another painter, but his style was his own. A couple of years before he became so depressed that he took his life, some people began to show his art in some avant garde settings, but he only sold one painting while he was alive.

That painting, sold 7 months before his suicide, sold for 400 francs. In 1990, his Portrait of Dr. Gachet sold for 146.8 million dollars. There could be arguments regarding whether one of his paintings was genuine, but his style is so unique that any genuine work of his is unmistakably his.

The work that the Creator of the universes wants to do through you will have some of the same difficulties and lack of respect that Van Gogh’s work did, maybe, but when the real test comes upon your work, the part that you get right and the part that has real value will be the part that Yahweh has written into your heart and mind. It will be clearly and unmistakably His work through you.

If you are not getting respect or approval of your peers today, that could be quite irrelevant. They are not capable of true appraisal most of the time. The day when the Judge of all humans sits to critique your work will be the day when the truth comes out. The approval and honor and award that you receive that day will be eternal. It will be honest. It will be righteous.

Do what you believe you are called to do. Don’t let your courage or lack of courage be based on people’s reviews. Ask the Spirit how you are doing. Respond appropriately.

Be strong. Be courageous. Be awesome.