Lamb Love

At the end of the day, the cross was covered with the blood of One Who saw your life as worth the pain and shame that were the path He took to be the Passover Lamb without spot or wrinkle Who could take away your sin.

Your life was purchased at an immeasurable price. The value that it can have under the influence of the Spirit Who raised Jesus back up from the grave is also immeasurable. Invest it under His constant guidance.

One day He will want a return on having invested it in you. He won’t be looking for a tithe. The guy who gave 10 tithes to his master when called to give a return on the one measure of gold or wheat or something was called “evil and lazy.”

The guys who were invited to share in their master’s joy gave their master at least 200% back (Matthew 25:14-30). Pray for guidance in your investments of whatever He has invested in you.

Be awesome!