Our Journeys are Too Great

In 1 Kings 19, Elijah was told by an angel, “Get up and eat, or the journey will be too great for you.”

He was told then by the Spirit of Yahweh to stand on the mountain in His presence. When Yahweh passed by the cave Elijah was hiding in, it was after a wind, an earthquake and a fire had passed by. Yahweh was present in the form of a whisper. Elijah walked out of the cave and stood in the presence of His God.

The strength to fulfill the assignment he received there came from the Lord. Your assignment is too great for you, too. If it was not the case, the assignment would not be from the Lord. If you don’t need His strength to do the work, it is a distraction, not an assignment.

Don’t be overwhelmed by your life. Be empowered to do what your God gives you to do. The strength has to come from Him, or something is wrong. We can’t want to do the right thing unless He inSpires us to. We can’t do the right thing unless He inSpires us to.

Surrender to Jesus and draw your identity from His breath. Be awesome!