The Beginning and the End of Preaching

Paul’s appeal to Caesar in the courtroom of Festus, the governor of Celicia, when being charged by Jews from Jerusalem of profaning their temple, caused him to be in Rome to appear before Caesar by chapter 28 of the Acts of the Apostles. Luke wrote that while waiting for that trial, Paul lived for two years in his own rented house. There, he received all who came to him, teaching them about Jesus, and preaching to them about the Kingdom of God.

Within the first three verses of Acts, Jesus was recorded as teaching about the Kingdom of God, and within the last three verses, Paul was preaching about the Kingdom of God. These facts present a strong Biblical example of what our preaching should include. If we are simply preaching salvation from sin, or the love of the Father, or how to be nice people in a nasty world, without clear teaching about what is required of us as citizens of the Kingdom where God reigns, we may be in an error that could be serious.