How Human are You?

Jesus is eternal, so satan had seen Jesus with Yahweh before he saw Jesus with Mary and Joseph. Maybe he was wondering how human Jesus was when he met Jesus in the wilderness to tempt Him. Apparently, he was surprised. After his failure, he decided, though, that there was still hope – he departed from Jesus expecting there to still be a “kairos” – an appointed or anointed or power-laced time.

Chronos is the ticking away of time, from seconds to years to centuries. Kairos is an appointment, a special season or moment, like the fulness of times (Ephesians 1:10), the time for judgment to begin in the household of God (1 Peter 4:17), at the appointed moment, Christ died for the ungodly (Romans 5:6), Jerusalem told by Jesus that they had missed the day He visited (Luke 19:44).

If we are not walking in the real-ization of what Jesus has called us into, we might be left by unclean spirits to live nice church lives with no trouble or assaults. When we become dangerous by following our King into the daily battles of righteousness and light and the destruction of the works of the devil, though, we are going to be tempted with distractions and derailments and failure. And we will be offered appointments to overcome our enemies in times of power and anointing.

Though we are still humans, we are no longer “mere humans.” The Holy Spirit Who empowered Jesus to answer satan will give us strength and wisdom and words to overcome the unclean attackers who will try to neutralize our lives.

How human will they find us to be? Cause it to be that we surprise them, just as You surprised Your tempter, Lord. Arise in us and cause our enemies to scatter! Thank You!