Enter The Kingdom of Heaven

In the first few verses of Matthew chapter 18, Jesus answered His disciples’ question, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” Their question had nothing to do with dying, and nothing to do with going anywhere. It was a “now” question. “In Your Kingdom, who is the greatest?” might be a good paraphrase of it.

Having that in mind, and avoiding having in mind the centuries of distractions from teachers who have taught that the phrase “the Kingdom of Heaven” refers to a future state of affairs in which I have avoided being cast into the lake of fire, and only that future time and place, consider what Jesus answered them. He mentioned entering the Kingdom and being great in the Kingdom.

If we don’t turn around and become like little children, we cannot enter the Kingdom. If we become humble, like children, we are great in the Kingdom. There is no indication that staying immature is beneficial in the Kingdom, though. We grow in the Kingdom by increasing in knowing the ways of the King and obeying His commands to love God and love people. We need to stay humble, but we should not stay immature. Maturity is quite easily measurable by examining the ways we respond to situations. With no regard for whether a situation is a danger, an opportunity, confusion or a mystery, if my response is not formed from the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) it is from my flesh or from some unclean spirit’s influence, and is a response that is death.

If I respond to circumstances with answers and actions that are birthed in the fruit of the Spirit, I am bringing Life to the situation – for myself, and for others I can influence. That is entering His Kingdom – being under His influence as my King.