What is Next?

Daniel learned that Yahweh can protect us from hungry lions when he was thrown in a pit with a few. Paul learned that He can protect us from deadly vipers when one bit him. Peter learned that the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead can extract us from a cell where we are waiting to be executed while he was in a cell waiting to be executed. His people learned to trust Him to heal the sick and cast out demons and overcome national governments and mighty armies. They did not learn those things in Bible studies. They learned them in difficulties.

Our Father wants to speak to us and teach us and lead us and empower us by setting us up with educational experiences in which He meets us and directs us to victories and provision. It helps when we stop responding to them with “Why me?” and start responding with “What’s next? What to do?” Expect answers to those type questions that strengthen you, mature you, and draw you closer to your Father.