Laburnum Seeds
One day Amy Carmichael was told that the seeds of a nearby tree were poisonous. Intrigued, she exclaimed to her little brothers, “Let’s count how many we can eat before we die!” When her stomach began to suffer much pain, she was given a strong laxative. Fierce Irish girl.
She died in India many years later. There, she saved the lives of thousands of Indian girls from slavery and ritual prostitution during her life. The numbers who have been protected by new laws written then would probably be high in the millions by now.
The same Holy Spirit Who poured Amy’s fierceness into the earth as sacrifice and service is in you. What He wants to do in and through you is different, but being it and doing it will change something in the earth. Ask Him to make it clear and possible. Ask Him to be awesome in you and to make you awesome in the earth and eternity. He would love to answer those prayers!