Careers in Sales
I have been trained by several organizations as a salesman. The various plans had differing strategies for securing a sale, but a common denominator was to convince the subject that they needed my product. I might be instructed to use evidence that they lacked something, or threat of a disaster, but the hoped-for end was always a signed agreement and payment.
The more convinced a salesperson is that their product is needed and has value, the easier it is for them to sell it to someone. A seller who feels like a thief when they make a deal will not last long in the position unless they really are thieves.
For us to effectively share good news with people around us, we need to be convinced that what we have learned about the King and His Kingdom really is good news. The Holy Spirit does the convincing. In the process, He even does convicting. We can’t do those things, even though there are several evangelism schemes that try.
The best we can bring to the negotiation is a level of having been so completely convinced ourselves that the person has a poster of what it looks like to enjoy the product. Then, when the Holy Spirit makes them able to want it and believe it, they have even more hope that it is not a mistake to sign their lives over to Jesus and take Life from Him that is full of wonder and questions and unknowns.
Commitment to being the most saved, surrendered, liberated, in love son or daughter of an Awesome God you can stumble into being will give you an awesome Life that draws others into wanting to find out how they could have one.
Be awesome, one step at a time.