You and Hagar

Unmarried mother
No vehicle
No income
Alone with her son in the desert
Cursed by the only people who knew her

Hagar was forced to bear her owner a son. Then she was thrown out of the camp by her owner, into the desert to die. Yahweh loved her, though. He also loved her son.

She had previously run out of the camp to die, when she was still pregnant. Yahweh spoke to her, and sent her back. When she was thrown out, she was again led by Him. This time He sent her to water, and promised protection and provision and a posterity that was great. Beyond the desert, she found a wife and a life for her son, Ishmael.

No circumstance is greater than your God’s love for you. If your questions of Him are intended to find His direction and protection, you will find answers. If your questions are asking Him to justify what He is doing in your life rather than to clarify what He is doing in your life, the answers may be slow and painful.

Hagar trusted her master’s God. He is not just Abraham’s God to you. He is your Father. Trust Him. Ask Him for leadership and protection and provision. Then expect it. He invented Love. He loves you.