Changed Mind

If I am heading along believing something, but then discover that belief was not correct, it is probably wise to realign myself and my beliefs with truth.

I may believe that I don’t need to save money. I may believe that the trip takes an hour and twenty minutes. I might think that you are lying. If I discover that the first idea I had about the facts was not based on the real facts, I should change my mind.

Believing a certain thing, or thinking in a certain way, and then encountering some bit of truth that suggests I should change my mind, then changing my mind to believe something different or think a different way is the process of repentance.

Modern Roman mythology misdefines repentance as a groveling begging of forgiveness for an error that we are truly sorry we committed. Modern evangelical definitions usually misdefine repentance as a complete change in behavior. The word really means a mind-changing event advised me to change my mind and I complied.

Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.
(Romans 12:2 HCSB ©®)