Commissioned to Obey

Jesus did not give instructions about church planting or evangelism or outreach ministries or fund raising techniques. He taught His disciples about His Kingdom. In Matthew’s record of Jesus giving what we usually call “the great commission,” Jesus predicated the commission on the fact that He had been given all authority in Heaven and on the earth, not that He had become the Passover Lamb. The command is related to baptizing converts and making disciples of them by teaching them to obey Jesus. Salvation is in the picture, but only as an initiation, not as an end.

The process of conversion, of being born of God and having sins forgiven by the blood sacrifice’s propitiation, is by faith only. No work, no payment, no begging is required for the filthiest murderer or thief or liar to become a son or daughter of the most high God. What is required is simply the acceptance by faith of a gift of Life. A Kingdom, however, is built on authority and power that are submitted to by the subjects of the king.

Obedience is paramount as a requirement with regard to being the subject of a king. Salvation is received by faith and preserved by changed nature – which is His doing. Authority in the Kingdom, now, as we enter it, and later as we inherit it, is a reward for obedience and responsible stewardship of our callings as sons and daughters.